Gettin' Ready for Revival

In just a couple weeks, Dr. Rick Flanders will be with us for our Fall Revival meetings. He comes with a wealth of ministry experience; a pastor for 34 years at the same church, conference speaker, Bible College professor and now serving in an itinerant ministry preaching in churches all across the country and in various parts of the world. He has an excellent balance in ministry and has been around long enough to be more than just a casual observer.

One of my concerns for our church at this time is our readiness; are we preparing ourselves to take full advantage of the opportunity that is coming upon us. There are many facets of preparation we could discuss, but for the sake of time and space I will mention four.

First of all, prepare your heart. This is where the battle begins. Start asking God to use this time to draw you closer to Him and to show you specific areas you need to grow. Pray He will keep you from the temptation to make excuses or soft choices regarding attendance. Don’t wait to pray, start right away and pray daily.

Secondly, prepare your family. Tell them your plans. Help them with the preparations they need to make as well. This may require homework adjustments, chore adjustments, and working together to accomplish some things quicker. Make the meetings a family matter; invite your lost neighbors, pray for them daily, pray for the spiritual needs of each family member.

Thirdly, prepare your schedule. I know you are busy; we all have more to do than we have time to get it all done, so we must prioritize. There are some things we can do any time; there are others we do from time to time, but for some things we must simply make the time. Special meetings at the church are very important for the whole church family. Your purposeful participation will encourage many, so prepare to be there.

And fourthly, if possible, prepare to help. We are planning to have dinner meals Monday - Friday to make it easier for families to attend. We will have corporate prayer meetings; there will be some extra cleaning needs, financial needs and nursery duties as well. Wherever or whenever you can help, just volunteer.

I have seen weeks like these transform people’s lives. I trust the Lord will do so for you. Let’s get ready!


The Journey to a Miracle


Gettin' Ready to Help Others