Preparing to Get the Most out of Church

The weekly gathering of the local church is an important part of the believer’s growth and useful-ness. However, the benefits we receive are largely determined by the preparations we make. 

  1. Plan to be there!– Make it a priority. I cannot tell you how many people I have spoken to, who claim to be believers, but for whatever reason they’re not faithfully involved in a local church. For some, church attendance is a weekly decision; it’s one of the options to choose from and often loses out to other more entertaining choices. For others, it’s a struggle with laziness or fatigue due to late Saturday night activities. And then for others, it’s simply another day to do business. Dear believer, to get the most out of church, we must view the Lord’s Day with a different perspective.

  2. Start preparing on Saturday– Large families would do well to establish Saturday evening routines to help eliminate frustrating Sunday mornings: children bathed, clothes cleaned, shoes and socks set out, Bibles found, diaper bags packed, etc. Get to bed early so your bodies are rested and your minds are alert.

  3. Start the day off right – Get up early, have your time alone with the Lord. Prepare your hearts to seek the Lord. Work together, prepare a simple breakfast, enjoy a relaxed mealtime, have family devotions, spend time in prayer for your Pastor, your Sunday School teachers, the church services and those who will be serving.

  4. Be early– Plan to be there 20 minutes before things start. This alone can transform a typical Sunday morning. Those who are chronically late frustrate themselves, their families and everyone else unnecessarily. Stop trying to be on time – be early!

  5. Come prepared to be a blessing. You will get much more from your time with God’s people if you’ll go looking for opportunities to encourage. Teach your children to do the same. How much greater would our weekly gatherings be if more of our members came prepared to love and serve and encourage one another?


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