Roles May Differ But Our Goals Are the Same

Growing up afforded me many opportunities to participate on a number of different athletic teams. I wrestled, played soccer, baseball, football, tennis, ran track and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. But I also learned some valuable lessons amid all the competition and the fun; lessons that readily apply to life in general, and lessons that certainly apply to maintaining a healthy marriage.   One of those valuable lessons was this: Roles may differ, but our goals are the same.

When I played football I was the quarterback, I was one of eleven different players on the field. My job was to call the play, give whatever special instructions were needed, line up on the line, receive the snap from the center then hand off the ball to one of the running backs or pass the ball to one of the receivers. Our immediate goal was to move the ball 10 yards down the field within four downs. Our intermediate goal was to get the ball across the end zone and score a touchdown. Our primary goal was to win the game. And our ultimate goal was to progress to a division championship. Our success as a team was dependent on how well each of us fulfilled our individual roles as we collectively pursued our shared goals.

In a marriage, it is much the same. The husband is the head of the home: he leads in family devotions, goes to work to provide financially, makes sure things are in good repair around the house, keeps the vehicle working well, etc. Meanwhile the wife keeps the home clean, tends to the daily needs of the little ones, shops wisely, washes clothes, prepares nutritious meals, etc, etc.  Roles may vary, but their overall goals are the same.   They both want a happy and healthy household. They want their home to be maintained and their relationships in the home to be harmonious. They want their children to grow up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.  

1 Corinthians 10:31 tells us, “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” The ultimate goal of our marriage and our home is to bring honor and glory to God. The best way to achieve this is for the husband and the wife each to whole heartedly fulfill their individual roles while together stay focused on their God-given goals.


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