Some Things Don't Need to Change

Some things just don’t need to change, even in a world that is constantly changing. We are continually bombarded with new ideas and information. And the speed of communication has only accellerated the dynamics of our drift. But how beneficial is all this change? Our recent elections were won with a promise of change. But what is being sacrificed on the altar of change? Swapping out the old for the new, without even considering why the old was established to begin with, can be extremely ineffective. This is particularly true when we attempt to alter the moral foundations given to us by an all-wise God.

Now, don’t misunderstand what I am trying to say, I am not against innovation, and certainly am not against positve change. The little saying, “Not the first by which the new is tried, nor the last to cast the old aside,” has benefitted me on a number of occasions. But I have also learned you don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.

So what is it that doesn’t need to change? Morality doesn’t need to change, nor does it need to be redefined. The old definition was fine because it was based on the unchanging Word of God. When decency was determined by what God said, we had a much better understanding of what it looked like. But someone told us that the Bible was old; we needed something new. Situational ethics was much more appealing. Now, we don’t have the sense to properly define something as basic as marriage nor do we understand that an unborn child is a human being.

Honesty doesn’t need to change, integrity doesn’t need to change, chastity doesn’t need to change, and fiscal responsibility doesn’t need to change. We used to define these qualities by what we knew about God. The Bible says, “Be ye holy; for I am holy.” (1 Peter 1:16) We knew how to behave when we knew God. But the winds of change brought about the “age of enlightenment”. The Bible was considered archaic; it was banished from our classrooms, then from the public square. Now we believe in “tolerance”; we’re no longer willing to say that the God of the Bible is the only true God. Has this change helped our nation? Think about the dishonesty and moral infidelity among our political leaders; think about a national debt that has more than doubled in the last 10 years. What do you think? Perhaps what I am really saying is that some things didn’t need to change.


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