Visitors are welcome at any of our church services. Each service or ministry has a slightly different emphasis to it.
Sunday School: 9:30am
Morning: 10:30 a.m.
Evening: 6:00 p.m.
Prayer/Bible Study: 7:00 p.m.
Kids for Christ: 7:00 p.m.
Nursery available for all services.
+ What time are your services?
Our Sunday morning worship service begins at 10:30am and typically lasts for about an hour and a half. We also have Children's Church and Nursery for children ages 0-10.
On Wednesday evenings, we meet together at 7:00 p.m. for our midweek prayer service. Children enjoy Bible lessons, games, and Scripture memory on Wednesday evenings during the school year in our Kids for Christ club.
+ Where should I go when I arrive?
When you enter our main building, you will be greeted by a church member or usher who is ready to answer your questions and provide direction to the auditorium, sunday school classes, or nursery.
+ Where should my children go?
Children ages 3-12 enjoy Bible lessons, songs, and activities in our children’s church program which takes place in the basement during the morning service. Ask an usher or greeter if you have any questions!
+ Do you have a nursery?
Yes, we provide a safe, clean, and well-staffed nursery for infants through age 3 during each of our services. There is also a private area for new moms to care for their infants as needed.
+ What is the preaching like?
The preaching in our services aims to be intensely practical, helping each person take the next step in their spiritual growth. We are committed to the expositional preaching of God’s Word as we grow together in sanctification.
In an effort to maintain consistency, we use the King James Version of the Bible in all of our services and teaching contexts.
+ What is the music like?
Our music seeks to reflect the character and nature of God and to give Him the worship that He deserves. We are blessed to enjoy a wide range of musical talent and opportunities as our members serve God with their gifts.
+ What happens on Wednesday evenings?
At 7:00 p.m. on Wednesdays, we meet together for our midweek prayer service. We want this to be a time of encouragement and corporate prayer, and we make this our emphasis each week.
From September through May, our children enjoy Kids for Christ on Wednesday evenings. This program is designed to teach faithfulness to God's Word in a fun, engaging context.
+ Do you have Sunday School?
We do! Our Sunday School classes meet every Sunday morning. We have the following divisions:
- Kids 3-5
- Boys 6-12
- Girls 6-12
- Teens
- Young Adults
- Adults
+ What should I bring?
You don't need to bring anything. If you have a Bible it will help you to follow along and aid in your understanding of the message. The pastor and teachers will teach from the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible, but as light is shed on a particular passage of Scripture you should be able to understand different wording and follow the truth regardless of the version you bring. We have a few Bibles available for your use, simply ask one of the ushers.
+ What about my young children?
Childcare is provided for children through age three and is provided at all of our church services. You may ask one of the usher to show you to the room we use for this ministry. At this time we are unable to provide a ministry for older children, except at our midweek Kids for Christ.
+ Whom do I see if I have a question?
You may ask the usher who will greet you at the door and are never far away if needed. For spiritual questions, the pastor is available after the service. As he greets you at one of the exits, let him know you'd like to meet with him.
Pastor Bob Graham
Serving for over 20 years as Pastor of Olathe View Baptist Church