Big God, Little Me
Have you ever thought about how BIG God really is? No one has ever seen the Father, but a wistful gaze upon the things we can see ought to give us a pretty good idea of the enormity of God. Just take a look at the orderly arrangement of innumerable stars strewn across the night skies, the unique beauty of each morning sun rise and evening sunset, the snow covered mountain peaks, the lush flowering meadows, the mighty oceans and the dry desert sands. Look at the amazing variety of plant life, the countless collection of tiny insects, the world beneath the waves of the sea and the more visible array of the animal kingdom. And amid this vast assortment of living creatures in their infinite backdrop of earth and space, God made people; not just one, but billions of people. And not a single one of us is exactly alike. Though we all share the same human ancestry, we all bear the birthmarks of God’s infinite creativity.
Now envision someone like yourself being held up in comparison to this Almighty God and tell me, how would you fare? If we were to evaluate your strengths, intellect or accomplishments and contrast them with His; on a scale with a million increments; would we even register? No wonder the Psalmist said, “What is man, that thou art mindful of him?” Psalm 8:4
Yes, God is BIG and we are small, and we must never lose sight of the amazing privilege to even be considered by One such as Him; and to think that He loves us and sent His only begotten Son to die for us. And that is not all; He has a wonderful plan for our life that He has personally devised so that His glory can be demonstrated through the work of His Holy Spirit residing within us.
How are we to respond to all this? Is it not mind boggling to consider the reality of God’s presence working in and through us? Yes, it is! And our response should be nothing short of humble submission. So, when you hear Him speak through His Word… say Yes! When He gives you an opportunity to serve… say Thank you! When He sends you to someone who needs to know about Him, speak up and stand in awe of the privilege you have been afforded; you are being used to serve the Almighty Creator of heaven and earth.