How Committed Are You?
More and more I see how important it is to be committed. Commitment by definition is the quality of sincere and steadfast fixity of purpose. Show me a man or woman of commitment and I will show you someone who keeps his word, gets things done, and continually makes progress in his Christian experience.
Commitment is sincere. It is completely honest and open about its intentions. It’s truthful and makes no attempt to pretend or deceive. It’s earnest about its endeavors and forthright with its inquirers.
Commitment is steadfast. It is faithful, unwavering, resolute and persistent. It stays the course, keeps going till the job gets done, and perseveres in spite of the obstacles and the opposition.
Commitment maintains fixity of purpose. It is purpose-full; this is what fuels commitment. It is fixed in its focus and its focus has a cause. There’s a principle to live by, a function to fulfill, a rationale to reckon with. There’s an aim involved, and its sights are fixed.
I went to a website that provides stock photos and in the search box I typed the word “commitment”. The images used over and over to depict this quality were two wedding rings. How appropriate! Put commitment in a marriage relationship and you have partners for life. But married couples are not the only people who would benefit by commitment; put commitment in a friendship and you have a friend that sticks closer than a brother; put commitment in a child and you’ll have a son that brings joy to the heart of his parents; commitment in uniform makes a mighty army, a protective police force or a winning sports team. Couple commitment with a task and you’ll have a job well done; hire commitment and you’ll have a profitable employee. And when commitment joins the church, God’s work gets done, the Gospel gets out, the needs are met, and the bills get paid.
But commitment by itself is not the answer; all of us know people who are highly committed to the wrong things. Commitment shines brightest when one is personally committed to the Lord Jesus Christ and to the principles of His Word.
How committed are you? To whom and to what are you committed?