I Have Learned to Be Content

Paul tells us in Philippians 4:11 “I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.” These words are not penned by an apostle basking in pleasures of prosperity, but rather by a man in a prison cell; a man who served the Lord fervently and suffered much in the process; a man often misunderstood, maligned, and mistreated. He not only communicated God’s Word to a needy world, he committed these very truths to his daily experience.

Contentment could be defined as realizing that God has already provided everything I need for my present and future happiness.

Pastor, are you trying to tell us that Paul was actually happy in prison?

Well, I am not telling you anything that he has not told you himself. The book of Philippians is often called the epistle of joy. Paul uses the words “joy” and “rejoice” fifteen times in four chapters. He encourages all of us to “rejoice in the Lord always” and then reemphasizes it with “again I say rejoice”. These are not the words of a man sulking in the state of depression, nor are they the words of delusion; he knew what he was talking about. But notice the fact that he said, “I have learned…” This did not come naturally to Paul, nor will it come naturally to any of us; this is a supernatural response and it must be learned.

Paul tells us that his instruction came both in times of plenty and in times of poverty. In both experiences he learned to be confident in God’s supply. God was his instructor, and supply was His means of instruction. Paul discovered that God would supply all he really needed so rather than fret over what he thought he should have, he rested in the sufficiency of what God had already provided.

Christian, this concept is little understood in our “gimme, gimme” generation, and this season is a prime example of that fact. What a wonderful time to practice genuine contentment, and find your greatest pleasure in what God has already given – His beloved Son.


In Everything Give Thanks


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